Principal Contact

Dr Warren Black

Founder & Principal of Complexus

Warren is an accredited Engineer, Risk Professional and Complex Systems Thinker who has a particular interest in understanding how the complexity sciences might offer a better means to controlling emergent risks within highly complex & uncertain, operating environments.

Warren has over 30 years experience and has delivered risk & resilience advisory services across multiple industries, countries and continents. In this regard he has held senior roles within two Tier one global risk advisory firms and has been appointed to lead the development of numerous major risk & resilience programs.

Warren holds a Master’s degree in Business from the University of Cape Town and a PhD in Systems Risk Engineering from the Queensland University of Technology. In 2018, he was awarded the Risk Advisor of the Year title by the Risk Management Institute of Australia and was a joint runner up for the Engineers Australia, Risk Engineer of the year in 2023. In 2024 he was appointed to the governing committee for the Queensland Chapter of the Engineers Australia, Risk Engineering Society.

In summary, Warren is demonstrably a leading Risk & Resilience thinker, educator and practicing officer and his contribution to the advancement of his profession is well documented